27 Jul
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Otters spotted.  Click here to go to our website about otters: amblonyx.com
...two travellers in search of the world's wildlife

Archive for September, 2012

30 September 2012

You just missed ’em

16th September 2012 Another pre-dawn start, this time driving in search of wildlife. Our first spot was a gaggle of cars at the roadside, always the most obvious sign that there’s an animal about. It was a family of moose, although we were a little late to the party and could only see them at » » »

30 September 2012

Elk in the smoke

15th September 2012 Oof, but the mornings start cold! It’s only September and the weather is fine, but it’s just below freezing at dawn and the bright sunshine only manages to deliver proper warmth in the afternoon. This is down to altitude; we may be on a flat plain, but we’re perched up around 2400m » » »

30 September 2012

The Grand Teton

14th September 2012 Today we took ourselves north from the nothing-much town of Rock Springs to Grand Teton NP via the gateway town of Jackson. What was once apparently one of the toughest towns in the west has been turned into a bustling tourist spot for well-heeled visitors. I have never seen so many art » » »

27 September 2012


13th September 2012 I can add Utah to the list of states we visited on this trip. Today’s long drive north-west looked boring, so we made it longer by detouring further west on smaller roads. This proved to be a good choice as we rolled through some stunning Rockies landscapes. On the other hand we » » »

23 September 2012

Story of me

12th September 2012 There’s one behaviour Americans sometimes display that always leaves me bemused, and I’m fairly certain I’ve never found it elsewhere. I’ll call it “The Story of Me”. You meet an American, say hello, and without any prompting or further ado they tell you all about themselves, their family history, where they live » » »