23 Oct
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...two travellers in search of the world's wildlife

Posts Tagged ‘budget

3 August 2011

South America budget update

Written by Maureen Chile We spent just over three weeks in Chile. We had heard that Chile was an expensive country to visit compared to the rest of South America and, in our experience, this is probably true. On the other hand, Chile is a developed country with good infrastructure and we felt very safe » » »

6 June 2011

Australasia Budget Update

“A descent into budget anarchy” or “How not to budget” Written by Maureen, ex-Financial Director of M&M Disclaimer: This budget post-mortem contains explicit despair. So… what went wrong? A: Australia is expensive. B: The exchange rate is lousy. C: It’s a whole continent and we only had a few weeks D: A complete failure in » » »

21 March 2011

Pop goes the budget

20th March 2011 It’s a beautiful evening on the Otago Peninsula, a finger of coast which sticks out from the city of Dunedin. The clouds rolled back as we left the Catlins coast and I was surprised to find myself warm enough (just) in only a T-shirt as we unloaded the car into our motel » » »

4 March 2011

Generic motel #4

2nd March 2011 Emu Point Hotel has one great feature to mark it out from the other motels we’ve stayed in so far; it comes with two complimentary sachets of real ground coffee and a cafetiere. Nice touch. But in all other regards it is identical to the Karri Forest Motel and the Ocean Drive » » »

1 February 2011

Budget Update Asia

Written by Maureen, Financial Director of M&M Ltd Our goal in Asia was to enjoy ourselves while spending less, and save up for Indonesia where we plan to meet up with friends and family. So how did we do? Hong Kong Hong Kong is easy to summarise. A cosy room in a budget guesthouse was » » »

14 September 2010

Budget Update South Africa

Written by Maureen, financial director of M&M Ltd I’m happy to report that, after 50 days in South Africa, we are running at £100 under budget. In fact, we could have spent less, but our budget of £100 a day seems to be spot-on for our style of travel. Car and petrol cost us approx » » »