27 Jul
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...two travellers in search of the world's wildlife

Archive for October, 2014

12 October 2014

Budapest & Esztergom in the sun

We were very blessed by the weather at the end of September in Hungary. Related Images:

12 October 2014


Over four days in Budapest and Esztergom we’ve encompassed pretty much the gamut of eating options that you might expect to find on any given city break. Some good, some less, but I’m going to say that on average Hungary seems to be a resoundingly positive place to look for good food, especially given the » » »

12 October 2014

Lanchid 19, Design Hotel

Our hotel in Budapest is a Design Hotel. This isn’t really a chain in the traditional sense – rather it’s one company marketing a whole host of independent boutique hotels around the world. Good model; you’ve got all the great things about independence and localism (if that’s a word) with the clout of a centralised » » »

12 October 2014

Esztergom along the Duna

Boat trips. I’m fairly convinced that there aren’t many that are truly worth doing. For example, there is a river boat that will take you four hours up the Danube to the superb Basilica in the small but historically significant town of Esztergom, and it travels along part of the river that is known as » » »

12 October 2014


Just spending a few hours wandering around Budapest between arriving from the airport and enjoying a top-notch evening meal, I’m liking this city. It has a very obvious heart, and that is the gigantic artery of the River Danube (or Duna here in Hungary) over which many of the grandest buildings perch to show themselves » » »