27 Jul
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Otters spotted.  Click here to go to our website about otters: amblonyx.com
...two travellers in search of the world's wildlife

Archive for May, 2018

31 May 2018

Albania, Puglia, Rome

We flew to Albania, took a ferry to Puglia, and then a train to Rome. These are some of the sights. Related Images:

21 May 2018

Roaming Rome

4-7 May 2018 And so we drove our little Fiat Panda back to Bari, and then took the train across the mountainous spine of Italy to Rome. Here we met Tim and Nessa and Lopa, and settled down to three days of exploring and dining in the Eternal City. The centre of Rome really is » » »

21 May 2018

Rainy day in Puglia

3 May 2018 When we opened the front door this morning it was grey and pouring with rain. So we grabbed our most waterproof stuff and squelched into the town square to find a cafe for breakfast. The rain was even heavier by the time we got on the outside of a chocolate-filled croissant and » » »

21 May 2018

Trulli lovely

2 May 2018 Did I mention how amazing Matera is? It was still amazing this morning. There aren’t many breakfast views more stunning than this. I took more photos. More and more. We finally left, to drive around the other side of the gorge and explore the rock-cut churches among the grass and wild flowers. » » »

21 May 2018

Matera is awesome

1 May 2018 We’re in a different world. The price of everything has doubled. Food and drink options have become plentiful and sensible. Cars and pedestrians vaguely follow some kind of rules. We’re in Italy! Actually, I’m ashamed to admit I seem to have become infected by Albanian driving norms, and I’ve been driving our » » »

21 May 2018


30 April 2018 Final day in Albania, and we were now wandering up the Ionian coast. Seen from the cliffside road, the sea really is as wine-dark as Homer claimed. Our first stop was Ali Pasha’s castle, on a tiny causeway-connected island in a bay. This famous despot and acquaintance of Lord Byron had dogged » » »

21 May 2018

Classic day

29 April 2018 Today was a classic. Gjirokaster in the morning, exploring the old citadel above the town and then one of the Ottoman town houses that are so iconic, with their roofs of random limestone slates piled up without mortar. The whole visit was brought more to life by having read Ismael Kadare’s “Chronicles » » »

21 May 2018

Albanians are nuts

28 April 2018 Congrats Albania, you have the maddest drivers in Europe, by a long chalk. And I’ve driven in France, Spain, Madiera, Italy, Sweden, Malta, Crete, Turkey and Romania so I’ve got some comparisons. The fact that we’ve driven past two horrific looking accidents on our first day is also very telling. The blanket » » »

21 May 2018

Tirana, Albania

27 April 2018 I rather like Tirana. It’s quite hard to say why. There’s nothing magical or ancient about the city itself, no great historic centre or charming residential neighbourhoods. Drivers and pedestrians mingle on the roads in a sort of dangerous ballet. It’s kinda flat, and the only river running through it looks like » » »