27 Jul
Days adrift.  Click here to see our best and worst experiences so far.
Number of flights.  Click here to go to the itinerary page.
Bus, train and taxi rides.  Click here to see all posts relating to transport. (56 posts)
Miles walked.  Click here to see all posts relating to walking and trekking. (43 posts)
Countries visited.  Click here to see what we think of them. (14 posts)
Number of species spotted.  Click here to go to our wildlife page.
Photos taken.  Click here to go to the photo gallery. (105 posts)
Rainy days.  Click here to find posts relating to the weather. (50 posts)
Number of times scammed.  Click here to read all about it!  (2 posts)
Otters spotted.  Click here to go to our website about otters: amblonyx.com
...two travellers in search of the world's wildlife

Archive for September, 2023

29 September 2023

Eating out in Germany & Poland

Here’s a collection of our cosmestibles. Food in Germany was predictably hearty and meaty, much the same in Poland. Dumplings and pierogis features a lot. But of course it’s worth noting that on a 12 day roadtrip we were mostly seeking out places serving “typical” cuisine so we could try the classics. Related Images:

29 September 2023

Trail of the Eagle’s Nest

Behold! We brave adventurers journeyed two days along the trail of the Eagle’s Nest and beheld no less than thirteen mighty fortresses! Well… twelve fortresses of various levels of crumble and one rock outcrop that apparently once had a fort on it! Related Images:

28 September 2023

Handsome towns

Touring through Bavaria, Saxony and then Poland we just kept finding incredibly handsome towns and cities with bewitchingly photogenic squares, houses, towers and streets. So here’s a selection… Related Images:

24 September 2023

Gorlitz again

So we came back to Gorlitz because it looked lovely and yet we only had an hour to stop on our way through before. It’s only 2 hours drive from Berlin’s Brandenburg Airport which gave us a good couple of hours to explore this morning before we had to get going. Also worth noting: our » » »

24 September 2023

Black Madonna

Actually, more than a million people visit CzÄ™stochowa every year, just not at the same time we are here (which might explain why we had no trouble finding a neat little apartment). This city is home to Jasna Gora, a monastery that is in turn home to the Black Madonna. This little image is immensely » » »

24 September 2023

Castles of the Eagles Nest

Okay, although we’re never going to love a hotel covered in scaffolding, it has to be said that Hotel H15 Francuski is a great space with good rooms and very friendly and helpful staff. Superb value, really. After breakfasting at Bakery Lajkonic on the most insanely over-sweet salt caramel croissant ever created, we buzzed (literally) » » »

24 September 2023

Extra Krakow

We had one more day in Krakow, and mum and dad decided to take a break before flying home. So given that we’d also worn ourselves out with a solid week of monster roadtrip sight-seeing we decided to take it easy too: we only spent the morning sight-seeing! We wandered to the Wawel, the citadel » » »

24 September 2023

On foot and hoof in Krakow

Sunday 10th September 2023 Today was Exploring Krakow Day. We started by walking around the old town. One pleasant element is a park that circles the whole old town like a ring; it’s actually the old moat and fortifications, but now it is green and shaded with trees (handy, as we’re still at 27C). One » » »

24 September 2023

Heading to Krakow

Saturday 9th September 2023 Today was a 4.5 hour drive to Krakow, stopping only for lunch in Opole. Some way out of Jelenia Gora the hills gave way to flat plains (and a faster road) and it remained flat and featureless farmland all the way to Krakow pretty much. This is the Great Northern Plain » » »

21 September 2023

Mountain sunglasses day

Friday 8th September 2023 Our hotel is lovely but has two flaws. Firstly, our rooms are on the 2nd floor and there are no lifts – mostly good exercise, but less fun with suitcases. Secondly, the breakfast buffet looks lovely but is actually full of disappointment (dry pancakes, chewy old pastries). Today we headed south » » »

21 September 2023

Handsome Germany

Thursday 7th September 2023 We’ve seen so much in Germany that is impressively handsome and grand. The canals of Augsburg, the walls of Rothenburg, the old city of Bamberg, the might of Koenigsburg. Today we can add the romantic castle of Meissen, the tower-ringed town of Bautzen and the medieval centre of Gorlitz. Not needing » » »

21 September 2023

High above the Elbe

Wednesday 6th September 2023 Our hotel has one redeeming feature: a garden that goes down to the riverside with some tables and chairs. We got take-away pastries and coffee from a local bakery and ate in the garden looking across at the castle, a much better breakfast than whatever was on the buffet indoors. Today » » »

21 September 2023

Steps of Meissen

Tuesday 5th September 2023 We left Bamberg first thing in the morning to continue our drive eastwards towards the Polish border. Our first stop was briefly at a roadside ice cream parlour to buy tickets online for a Ghibli play in London next year! I spilled my sticky drink everywhere and then fell on my » » »

21 September 2023

Mighty beer lady of Bamberg

Monday 4th September 2023 We began the day with more exploring of Rothenburg, finding our way up to a section of the astonishing wall walk with views across the rooftops and then trekking all the way down to the bridge in the verdant wooded valley beneath the town for views back up to the walls » » »

21 September 2023

Romantic Road

Sunday 3rd September 2023 The Romantic Road is a post-WWII concept aimed at reviving tourism in Bavaria, stringing together a bunch of picturesque medieval towns and castles roughly south to north. Augsburg is one of them. Today we drove the road north, taking in Harburg, Dinkelsbuhl and ending in Rothenburg on der Tauber. Rothenburg is » » »

21 September 2023

Augsburg landing

Saturday 2nd September 2023 This is our third visit to Germany. First time was three days wine tasting in the Mosel, based in the ancient city of Trier. Second time was three days exploring Cologne and then Bonn and Aachen. This time we’re touring with mum and dad, from Bavaria eastwards and across the border » » »