27 Jul
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Photos taken.  Click here to go to the photo gallery. (105 posts)
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Number of times scammed.  Click here to read all about it!  (2 posts)
Otters spotted.  Click here to go to our website about otters: amblonyx.com
...two travellers in search of the world's wildlife

Archive for November, 2016

4 November 2016

Go Van Gogh!

31 October 2016 Having a 9pm flight home basically gave us an entire day for exploring… and we did it again, we took full advantage of the day and ended up pooped. Not as warm as the last two days, but still perfectly sunny and pleasant. This time we settled on the Van Gogh museum » » »

4 November 2016


30 October 2016 It’s really rather splendid how all the major London museums are free to enter, with the option of leaving a contribution. If you’ve got an hour and happen to be in South Kensington, you can just pop into the Natural History to check out your favourite fossil. If you’re waiting for a » » »

4 November 2016

Can you have too many canals?

29 October 2016 The main memory I have of visiting Amsterdam as a teenage student was that it was a big, untidy, boring city with no real redeeming features apart from the strength of the beer. With hindsight, it was probably Belgian beer. Also with hindsight, I suspect that I never left the very centre » » »

4 November 2016

Amsterdam B&B

28 October 2016 We arrived at almost 11pm last night, found our way to our B&B first time (The Collector, De Lairessestraat), and collapsed right in. Now it’s morning and I’ve just been into the red-and-white checkered kitchen to squeeze some fresh OJ and make two little cups of Nespresso. We drink them in our » » »