27 Jul
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Otters spotted.  Click here to go to our website about otters: amblonyx.com
...two travellers in search of the world's wildlife

Archive for September, 2016

18 September 2016

Fortress Vlad

13 September 2016 I’m not sure why Top Gear would have voted the Transfagarasan Road the greatest road in the world. Certainly, once you get to the top there are some amazing views back down the twisting ribbons of tarmac you have just ascended. But crunching down into 2nd gear for the fiftieth time to » » »

18 September 2016

Transylvanian day

12 September 2016 Wow… we packed a lot in today. We got from Magura all the way to Sibiu via the rustic part of Romania known as the “saxon lands” because saxon peasants were persuaded to settle here en masse in the twelfth century and never went away. This explains some of the surprisingly picture-postcard » » »

18 September 2016

Splendid with a side of frustrations

11 September 2016 Villa Hermani is German run and decent lodgings (though, seriously, paying for WiFi?). The one thing we couldn’t do that they specialise in is a visit to a bear hide – just here the wrong day. Still, we hoped to see chamois on our hike today. Breakfast first, and they do put » » »

18 September 2016

Short long day

10 September 2016 Even though we started out of bed at 6am this morning, all we’ve had time to do in Romania is collect our hire car and drive to our first night’s lodging. We paused briefly to admire an astonishing Disney confection of Peles Castle in the woods above Sinaia and to chomp through » » »