27 Jul
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Bus, train and taxi rides.  Click here to see all posts relating to transport. (56 posts)
Miles walked.  Click here to see all posts relating to walking and trekking. (43 posts)
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Photos taken.  Click here to go to the photo gallery. (105 posts)
Rainy days.  Click here to find posts relating to the weather. (50 posts)
Number of times scammed.  Click here to read all about it!  (2 posts)
Otters spotted.  Click here to go to our website about otters: amblonyx.com
...two travellers in search of the world's wildlife

Archive for April, 2017

25 April 2017

Slovakia snaps

Three days touring the eastern part of Slovakia was enough to fall quietly in love with a little-known corner of Europe. Related Images:

25 April 2017

Eye-catching La Gomera

When people say “visit the Canary Islands” the stunning mountainscapes of La Gomera probably aren’t the first picture to spring into your head… Related Images:

24 April 2017

Rampaging badgers

3 April 2017 Today was a classic car touring day, and the weather remained warm and sunny for it. It’s worth noting that we’re being ridiculously lucky. The normal average temperature in Slovakia at the end of March is 9 degrees, and the spring weather is as wet and changeable as it is in England. » » »

24 April 2017

First (only?) snow of the year!

2 April 2017 There’s been no snow at all in Cheltenham this year. Or if there was a sprinkle, none of it settled. So the snow-capped Tatra mountains were an irresistable draw. Poor breakfast at Hotel U Leva – we’ll find a cafe tomorrow. And then we were into the car and on our way. » » »

24 April 2017

Splendid Spis spermophiles

1 April 2017 Thoroughly recommend our hotel in Kosice – the Bristol. Lovely rooms, totally central, very good breakfast. Though they do a stupid thing where each person gets their own (tiny) single duvet, which is just weird and inconvenient. Anyway, after a fresh stroll around the middle of Kosice to admire it in the » » »

24 April 2017

Welcome to Slovakia

31 March 2017 Slovakia, the country that tourist guidebooks forgot. None of the major guidebook publishers produces a book on Slovakia, although some of them did up to a few years ago (when they presumably decided that being complete-ist wasn’t cost-effective). Generally you find they have a book covering eastern Europe with a single slender » » »