05 Feb
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Otters spotted.  Click here to go to our website about otters: amblonyx.com
...two travellers in search of the world's wildlife

20 August 2010

Clever Kindle

One item of electronics not even on our original list is an Amazon Kindle. This was a leaving present to Maureen from her work colleagues, and it has turned out to be extremely useful. Only not in the way you might think.

So far we haven’t really used it as a reading book – we’ve been too busy for much reading. And it’s no use for guide books, because flicking back and forth between sections is not the Kindle’s strength. However, in order to allow people to download new books wherever they are Amazon seem to have struck a deal with loads and loads of cellular networks around the world – effectively you have a free 3G connection almost anywhere in the world. And the Kindle also comes with a fairly rudimentary (but perfectly usable) web browser. So… if there’s a mobile network about, we have free internet!

This doesn’t seem to be a widely advertised feature of the Kindle. : )

It ain’t all roses, though. The browser isn’t that great, and the Kindle’s little keypad is not meant for writing essays. So while it’s good for checking email or looking up important info, only short email replies are sensible and definitely no blogging, and don’t bother trying YouTube or anything media-rich.

Still, pretty nifty.

Related Images:


2 Responses to “Clever Kindle”

  1. Christel says:

    Glad to hear you have found a great use for it! 🙂 Cxx

    • shortclaws says:

      Yes, what a cool gadget. Please pass on our thanks to everyone in the office (and get them to read the blog :).


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