At the same time as the Greeks were scratching satyrs on the sides of their elegant but uninteresting pots, in the Andean region of South America there were ancient cultures producing ceramics that owed a lot more to aesthetics and artistic expression than to religious or ritual symbolism. Up to three thousand years old, and yet I think you could transport any of these pieces to a modern setting and no-one would be any the wiser. These works all come from Museo de Arte Precolombino in Cusco.
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Hola Matthew and Maureen
Greetings from sunny Espana and a very Feliz Cumpleanos to Matthew. We continue to enjoy following your travels.
Have a super day.
Our very best wishes and love for a safe journey back to dear old Blighty in July.
Jan and Barry XX
Muchas gracias! Creo que Espana es mas caliente que los Andes – aqui es muy frio!
And at about that point my Spanish runs out. Thanks again and hope to see you some time, though of course there’ll be no need for showing holiday snaps as they’re all in the blog!